Jesus said,
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
- Matthew 19:14
We believe that every child is a unique, special gift from God. Helping children learn is a divine privilege. We give our best efforts to be positive role models that instill Christian values to help your children through the journey of life.
We want the children to recognize that God is the Creator, Jesus is His Son, and that He loves and accept us as we are.
Mission statement
The Children of Light School’s mission is to provide a one-of-a-kind educational learning experience through quality care, a balanced curriculum that’s hands-on, and a structured academic atmosphere with attention to detail.
Our goal is to provide a loving, Christian environment in which your child can grow in all areas of his/her life, ultimately becoming all that God has intended for them to be. We believe that children deserve the best care and attention; we want their earliest memories to happy and enriching!